Top 10 FAQ’s

1. Can foreigners buy property in the Philippines?

Yes.  Foreigners are allowed to own condos & townhouses in the Philippines.  Partial ownership is allowed for land and other stand-alone properties.  Please contact us for any further questions on ownership.   Ref: The Condominium Act of the Philippines, R.A. 4726

2. Can foreigners obtain loans?

Yes.  There are a few reputable banks that will lend to foreigners, with a few stipulations.  Contact us for the list of banks.

3.  Why do I need a Licensed Broker to buy Real Estate

If you go directly to a Builder (not recommended) they will provide their in-house Broker, who does not work for you.  It is recommended to have your own Broker representing you.

4. Why can’t I buy directly from a Builder/Seller?

You can, but this is very risky, and there is no pricing benefit in going direct to Seller.  By law, builders must charge the price they advertise, and that all other Brokers work off of.  So whether you retain us as your Broker or not, the price is the same.  Buying directly from a Builder is risky, because a Seller’s broker is working for their company, not you.

5. How do I apply for a property loan?

Every bank has different rules.  Because of the complexity inherent in the loan application process, we can assist you in applying for property loans.

6. What is the average loan rate in the Philippines?

The rate varies widely based on a number of factors.  It ranges anywhere from 6% – 20%.  It is best to contact us so we can assist you in getting an official quote from a bank.

7. Are you based in the USA or the Philippines?

In the USA, we have offices in Las Vegas, Nevada, and San Diego, California (and we’re expanding to more US cities).  In the Philippines we have Brokerages in Manila & Cebu.

8. How are you able to sell property in the Philippines?

On the American side, we assist with Buyer Coordination and Customer Service.  This is mainly to reassure our American and International buyers that they can safely buy Philippine property, and that their rights are protected, as we are bound by US law.  The sale transaction actually occurs at our Philippine Realty Brokerages.

9. Why should I trust you?

Trust is our main business goal.  We’ve taken the time to get to know our clients, and the main concern that many have is the fear of being “taken advantage of” in a real estate transaction.  From titling to loans, navigating the Philippine system can be wrought with corruption.  Here’s why you can trust us to be your guides:

  • #1 our US staff is bound by US and State laws and regulations
  • #2  We have a perfect record of happy clients
  • #3 Our Philippine Realty Brokers were carefully selected because of their long histories of trustworthiness & professionalism.

 10.  How much do you charge?

In almost all cases, you pay nothing.  We work off of a commission that we get from any Seller we find a buyer for.  However, by law, we still work for you, and it is our fiduciary duty to protect you.


Ask a Question  (I'll Email You Back)

3 Question & Answers
  1. Charrize Pinza:


    We are a Real-Estate Developer and we are looking for licensed brokers to help us sell our residential property in Batangas.

  2. German Claridad:

    Hi.Iam based here in Ca,USA and have a property in Canyon Woods ( 252 sq m lot ) at Tagaytay Philippines that I would like to sell.Pls let me know if you can help me find buyer for this property.Thanks

    • :

      Hi German,

      Thank you for contacting Philippine Realty Group. We’ll be glad to help you market & broker the sale of your property. Please check your email as I have few questions regarding your property in Canyon Woods, Tagaytay. Thank you. 🙂

Stefane Anub, Lead Broker
“Ask Me Anything”

Stef Anub Head Broker

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